Interment Choices at Park Lawn
When you visit Park Lawn, you’ll be struck by the wide variety of memorial properties, from traditional lawn burial spaces to stately courtyards and mausoleums. Here, you’ll find exactly the right memorial statement that fits your family’s needs and budget. Call us and we’ll be happy to provide you a private tour and explore all your options.

Ground Burial - Resting in Nature
One of the most traditional preferences for memorial property is in-ground burial within one of our many beautiful lawns throughout the memorial park. Depending on the location, families can choose single or double-depth spaces. Lawn burial at Park Lawn Cemetery brings both timeless beauty and honor to those interred here.

Lawn Crypts - Grounded in Grandeur
Lawn crypts offer the beauty of traditional lawn burial but in “pre-crypted” below-ground concrete encasements that allow one or two burials per space. At Park Lawn, you can choose your location from over 2,000 ground crypt locations created in front of the mausoleum sections — in Plaza of Devotion, Court of Family Devotion, Court of Prayer, and Court of Eternal Devotion and the new Garden or Repose.

Mausoleum Crypts - Honored in Elegance
For millennia, above-ground wall entombment has been the choice of kings, emperors, and nobles. At Park Lawn, our three elegant, granite or marble-lined mausoleums afford beautiful memorialization options within a range of prices and locations. They include the Garden of Chimes, the Garden of Serenity, and the magnificent new Garden of Repose.

Cremation Niches – Treasured Permanently
The value of a permanent and dignified setting for cremated remains is inestimable. We offer a wide range of choices for those choosing cremation, from lawn niches to niche spaces in one of our mausoleums to spaces in one a free-standing themed columbarium. Click here to learn more about cremation options at Park Lawn.

Cremation Deserves a Place of Honor and Permanence.
More and more families are choosing cremation for their loved ones. It makes sense because it costs less than traditional burial and it uses up less environmental resources. Still, a person who is loved deserves a permanent place of honor, a place that will last for generations, where future family can visit, which we proudly provide at Park Lawn Cemetery.
At Park Lawn, we have many exceptional and affordable memorial solutions for cremation, including free-standing columbarium structures (Garden of Angels Columbarium, Columbarium of Remembrance and Amor Eterno); niches in one of our three mausoleums (Garden of Chimes Mausoleum, Garden of Serenity Mausoleum, and our new Garden of Repose Mausoleum); or you may choose a lawn or garden crypt, just as you would with a burial.
Even if you’ve chosen to scatter your loved one’s remains elsewhere, a memorial tablet may still be erected to commemorate their life on our beautiful grounds in permanent memory.
Talk to us about all the many ways to forever memorialize your loved one’s life. The options are many.